_        _______           _______  _          __    _______ 
( \      (  ____ \|\     /|(  ____ \( \        /  \  (  __   )
| (      | (    \/| )   ( || (    \/| (        \/) ) | (  )  |
| |      | (__    | |   | || (__    | |          | | | | /   |
| |      |  __)   ( (   ) )|  __)   | |          | | | (/ /) |
| |      | (       \ \_/ / | (      | |          | | |   / | |
| (____/\| (____/\  \   /  | (____/\| (____/\  __) (_|  (__) |
(_______/(_______/   \_/   (_______/(_______/  \____/(_______)

Progress: |=========.| 10/11

Amazon S3 offers a range of storage classes designed for different use cases:

Once an S3 Lifecycle policy is set, your data will automatically transfer to a different storage class without any changes to your application.
Hint 1
It seems the rusty treasure chest is Infrequently Accessed

Just find the object in Standard-IA storage class

The task is simple. Find the secret code, and go to
https://s3game-level11-<THE CODE>.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/level11.html